
【元朗潮僑英歌總會 】全港唯一英歌隊伍

今年天后寶誕,元朗區潮州同鄉會特地邀請了【揭陽市普寧南山英歌隊】百多人遠道而來交流演出。揭陽市普寧南山英歌隊歷史悠久,技藝精湛,節拍強勁,曾經先後代表廣東省到北京、天津參加全國文藝江演,載譽京華。今次來港將會於4月26日 (星期五) 先為《慶祝新中國成立70周年暨揭港英歌文化交流啟動儀式》作香港首演。翌日4月27日 (星期六) 將會隨《元朗潮僑花炮會》以及天水圍潮陽百欣小學的小英歌學員一同參與元朗十八鄉慶祝天后誕巡遊。屆時百人英歌大隊將會是首隊出巡 (因去年《元朗潮僑花炮會》抽到最吉利的【丁財兩旺炮】),定必吸引大批市民及攝影愛好者圍觀。

日期:2019年4月26日 (星期五)
時間:5pm – 6.30pm
表演:大型英歌舞 (72人)

日期:2019年4月27日 (星期六)
時間:9am – 1pm
表演:大型英歌舞馬路巡遊 (超過100人) 今年天后誕首隊出巡隊伍

【Cultural Heritage】Yingge Dance Performance

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China and the Cultural Exchange of JieYang and Hong Kong Yingge Opening Ceremony

Date: Friday, 26 April 2019
Time: 5pm – 6.30pm
Venue: 1/F Complex of Yuen Long District Sports Club
Programme: Yingge Dance Performance with Over 72 Dancers

Yingge Dance Performance Leading the Tin Hau Festival Parade Tour

Date: 27 April 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 9am – 1pm
Venue: Tour Route of Yuen Long Tin Hau Festival
(Hop Yick Road, Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long Stadium)
Performance: A large-scale Yingge Dance Parade Tour
(more than 100 people will perform)

This year, on the birthday of Tin Hau, the Yingge Dance team (consisting more than 100 people) will be the first team to lead the parade.

Yingge Dance, Yingge, Engor is a form of Chinese folk-dance originating from the Ming Dynasty. It is a very popular cultural activity in Chiu Chow, a region in the east of Guangdong Province, and is one of the most representative forms of folk arts. Performers would put on makeup to represent different characters in the “108 Stars of Destiny” from the story of “Water Margin”. The performance is under the command of Red and Black Beard, the left team’s leader is Qinming with Black Beard, the right team’s leader is Guansheng with Red Beard. The second leader is Lin Chong, and the third leaders are Lu Zhishen and Wusong. In 2014, Yingge Dance was officially stated as Hong Kong’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and was also listed in the national intangible cultural heritage by China.

The Yuen Long Yingge Dance Team is the only performance team in Hong Kong having inherited the traditional culture of Chaoshan. The dance team is formed by a group of people who are passionate about Chiu Chow traditional culture during 1950’s. There has been a history of the culture in Hong Kong for more than 60 years. At that time, a group of Chiu Chow people gathered in the Yuen Long market. Farmers, vegetable growers and livestock breeders transported their produces – rice, vegetables, chicken and ducks to market stalls for sale. When there were rainstorms and windstorms, villagers rushed to the Tai Shu Ha Tin Hau Temple in Tai Kei Leng to ask God for divination and to pray for the protection of Goddess of the Sea to decrease the frequency of natural disasters. Villagers suggested that a group of young Yingge performers to be trained, in order to participate in the “Birthday of Tin Hau” parade, which takes part on March 23rd of the lunar calendar every year. Chiu Kiu Fa Pau Club invited the Yingge dancers to perform the dance as a local feature. At first, the villagers of Chiu Chow collected funds to purchase the necessary equipment for the performance. There were rice shops donating rice, shops selling miscellaneous goods donating grains to the performance team. After their practice, they would enjoy a special traditional Chiu Chow Porridge. There were many enthusiastic participants. In recent years, they have often been invited to perform in various events in Hong Kong. In 2018, the largest Yingge dance, consisting 541 Yingge participants, achieved by Hong Kong Yuen Long Chiu Kiu Engor Association Limited and Yuen Long Town Hall Management Committee Limited, set the Guinness Record. They are much welcomed and appreciated by Hong Kong people, and are often reported by the media.

This year, Yuen Long Chiu Chow Clansmen’s Association invited JieYang City Puning Nanshan’s Yingge Team, consisting of more than 100 people, to perform in the Birthday of Tin Hau. There is a long history of Puning Nanshan’s Yingge team. They’re equipped with powerful exquisite skills and fast beats. The team represented Guangdong Province to perform in various National Culture Performaning Events, respectively in Beijing and Tianjing. Their fame is spread throughout China.

The team will premiere in Hong Kong’s “Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the founding of New China and the Cultural Exchange of JieYang and Hong Kong Yingge Opening Ceremony” on 26th April 2019. On the birthday of Tin Hau (27th April 2019), with the “Yuen Long Chiu Kiu Fa Pau Club” and the students of Chiu Yang Por Yen Primary School, they participated in the parade to celebrate Tin Hau’s Birthday in Shap Pat Heung of Yuen Long. The 100-member Yingge brigade will be the first team to go on tour (as last year, the Yuen Long Chiu Kiu Fa Pau Club drew the most auspicious “Double Blessings for Children and Fortune” Ding Choy Pau), which will surely attract a large number of citizens and photography enthusiasts to attend.

Welcome Media and Overseas Tour Group to both Events!